(D) This sketch is offered as part of the archive of Alice J. Lowe, one of a choice of two, the other a biro drawing of a Derbyshire village which is now under a resvoire )’. The Wild M7 Zoom Stereomicroscope god's into production.LAURENCE STEPHEN LOWRY RBA RA (BRITISH, 1887-1976) a felt tip sketch of an industrial landscape, later signed in biro and dated 1965, executed on the reverse of an unused Royal Academy Soirée Invitation dated 1st July 1964, 11.7 x 15cm, later laminated, the Invitation inscribed ‘April 1971 (Presented to me, Alice J. The Wild M501 Sampling Microscope and the Electronic Micro-Length Measuring Attachment are available. The Research and Development Department for Microscopy moves into a new building. The Wild M4A Stereomicroscope, a simple instrument with magnification changer drum, appears on the market and the first Wild M500 Infra- Red/Ultraviolet Image Converter Unit leaves the factory. The " Wild- Verkaufsgeselischaft Mikroskopie GmbH " is founded in Munich. The Transmitted Light Base for stereomicroscopes, the Wild M4C Stereomicroscope for industrial applications and interference attachments for microscopes become available. Wild enters the field of inverted microscopes with the Wild M40 and Wild M50. and a new projection head are introduced. The Wild M4 Stereomicroscope gets its own drawing tube.Ī new discussion tube is available for the Wild M11 and Wild M20 Microscopes, and the Wild M21 Polarizing Microscope appears on the market.Ī new phototube for stereomicroscopes, the Wild M5 pol. The drawing tube for the Wild M5 Stereomicroscope is available. The Wild M5 is quickly joined by the Wild M4 Stereomicroscope. Wild enters the stereomicroscope field with the Wild M5. Ī drawing tube for the Wild M 20 Microscope first appears in the sales program. The cine attachment with projection tube is on the marked for cine-micrography.

The Attachable Camera 11 with H-phototube is introduced. The Wild M11 and Wild M20 Microscopes are now on sale. An electromagnetic fine-focusing device, a projection and drawing mirror and a simple polarization outfit are on sale. The Attachable Camera 1, the first Wild camera for photomicrography, the 20x, 40x, 50x and 100x Wild Fluotar objectives and the corresponding compensating eyepieces are now on sale.Ĭonventional phase contrast equipment and the novel " Wild- Variocolor " accessory for color phase contrast are included in the microscopy program. The first Wild M9 and Wild M10 Microscopes are sold This was the start for a new era and many successful models will follow: